Guia de Safári em Moçambique é resgatado 15 horas após carro cair de ponte em rio com crocodilos

Ele ficou se segurando ao veículo no rio infestado de crocodilos enquanto aguardava o resgate

Escrito por Redação ,
resgate Moçambique
Legenda: Com o carro parcialmente submerso, o britânico Mike Turner, de 56 anos, teve que se segurar ao veículo para não ser arrastado pela correnteza
Foto: Reprodução/TikTok

O guia de um safári em Moçambique teve o seu carro arrastado pela correnteza de um rio quando tentava atravessar uma ponte, na última quinta-feira (28), e acabou caindo com o veículo em um rio cheio de crocodilos. 

Com o carro parcialmente submerso, o britânico Mike Turner, de 56 anos, teve que se segurar ao veículo para não ser arrastado pela correnteza. Ele ficou no local por 15 horas, até ser localizado pelo resgate.

@lowvelder A tour guide, Michael Turner (56), was on his way from Mozambique to collect guests in Komatipoort on December 28 when he was thrown into an ordeal in which he literally had to hang on for dear life. He is a British citizen operating from the neighbouring country. At around 20:00 the strong current of the Komati River swept his game-viewing vehicle away when he was crossing a low-level bridge. The game-viewer became lodged on the verge of the bridge, with the two right wheels on the bridge and two left wheels in the river. Four search-and-rescue volunteers from SARZA arrived at 22:00. On their arrival, the situation was assessed by the four volunteers. The current was too strong for them to enter the river. It was also not possible for the volunteers to use a rope to rescue Turner from the raging torrent. They determined that the vehicle was secure in the river and Turner would be safe if he remained in it. Turner sat in the rear of the vehicle through the night. The four volunteers sat across the river from Turner throughout the night and frequently accessed the situation. When daylight broke on Friday December 29. the situation was reassessed. Previously, victims in similar situations were rescued using police jet skis. Unfortunately, due to the strong current, this solution was ruled out. At 11:00 Turner was rescued by the SANDF using a RX helicopter. Turner was treated on the scene by Securicon. He was severely dehydrated, hungry and in shock. He did not suffer any other injuries. The successful rescue of Turner was due to the hard work and dedication of SARZA Nelspruit, SAPS divers and the SANDF. >Video: Supplied/ Captain Pottie Potgieter.#komati #komatipoort #komatiriver #riverrescue #britishcitizen #rescuesouthafrica #helicopter #helicopterrescue #lowveld #caxton #caxtonnewspapers ♬ original sound - Lowveld Media

O britânico estava indo buscar turistas para realizar um passeio no safári quando o acidente ocorreu. Ele conseguiu pedir ajuda por telefone, mas a força da correnteza do rio fez com que o resgate demorasse. Para ser localizado, ele repassou instruções do GPS do seu celular para às equipes de resgate por meio de uma ligação, conforme informou ao jornal britânico The Times.

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O helicóptero, no entanto, só pôde ser utilizado quando as condições climáticas melhoraram. Segundo Turner, os momentos foram de pavor. Ele foi levado a uma unidade de saúde, que constatou que o guia estava desidratado e em estado de choque.

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